Home Remedies for Sleep Apnea

When you fail to breathe in enough air through your nose or mouth into the lungs, the respiratory function in your body starts choking and causes the oxygen level to fall abruptly. In such conditions, breathing resumes with a harsh noise, cough or a hasty exhale. Half of the sleep apnea patients sleep on their back and increase the harsh effects of Obstructive Sleep Apnea because gravity contracts an area of the throat passage causing sleep disorders. Though you have numerous medical treatments for sleep apnea but before resorting to such medicines and treatments you can try a few home remedies for treating sleep apnea.

The basic home remedies

In most of the cases, self awareness and personal care is the most effective way to control obstructive and central sleep apnea.

  • You must loose weight to allow some relive to the throat passage. At times losing weight can get your sleep apnea cured completely. Consult a dietician or a fitness expert to know the tricks of losing weight.
  • By staying away from addictions like tobacco, alcohol and sedatives you will provide some comfort to the throat muscles and ease the process of breathing.
  • It is best to sleep sideways and avoid sleeping on your back. This would keep your tongue and throat muscles relaxed and allow more air to flow into the lungs.
  • Use nasal strips and nasal sprays to open the nasal passage to ease breathing and reduce snoring. The usual medications prescribed by the doctor for this problem are antihistamines and nasal decongestants.
  • Use a special pillow that allows you to stretch your neck and cut down on snoring.
  • People who are flabby and out of shape can try to sleep by raising the head side of the bed helping more air through the nasal passage.
  • Consuming medicines in large numbers will not help in most of the situations but medicines that take care of associated disorders related to sleep apnea may prove to be useful.
  • Always keep away from allergic food items, which usually cause irritation and clog the air passage. So try to avoid food items which you are allergic to, especially when you are going to the bed.

How Didgeridoo can help

It is one of the oldest conventional Australian musical instruments. It is made of eucalyptus trunks and is common among the native people of northern Australia. It has been played for more than 1500 years. The Didgeridoo is a wind instrument, cylindrical in shape and is 3 to 10 feet in length. The current versions of the Didgeridoo can be made by using duct tape and PVC pipes.

You learn to play the didgeridoo by quivering your lips alongside one end of the instrument and use your cheeks to accumulate air for playing. Didgeridoo playing involves a special inhalation process known as circular breathing. This technique involves breathing in air through the nose and exhaling it through the mouth using the help of cheek and tongue. The lips should be vibrated to produce a continuous whine with the help of supply of air throughout the process, for as long as wished.

A study revealed that the game of didgeridoo is an efficient method to get rid of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

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