Alternative Medicine for Sleep Apnea

Are you suffering from sleep apnea? Living with the condition can be really tough, because you feel tired and sleepy throughout the day and if this continues for too long, you end up feeling depressed. It can also lead to a number of severe health issues that you need to get rid of, if you want to live a fulfilling life. This is why, most often than not, sleep apnea patients look for all the means possible to get rid of sleep apnea. Sometimes, alternative cure for sleep apnea can work wonders. So, let us look into some of alternative treatments of sleep apnea that are free from side effects:

Herbal Therapy for sleep apnea

There are quite a few herbs available, which can help you to sleep better. Various kinds of herbs are used for various kinds of conditions. Each kind of herb is known to contain a number of active constituents that have several subsidiary actions.

Some of the herbs that are used to treat sleeplessness are Passion flower, Valerian, Jamaica Dogwood, hops, skullcap and so on.

Passion flower has a sleep inducing effect and also cures nerve pain. Valerian helps in a relaxed sleep and is used in cases where patients suffer from severe sleeplessness. Jamaica Dogwood can be used in severe cases of sleeplessness too. Californian Poppy can silence the disturbed feelings in the mind. You can also have wild lettuce for your condition, as it might help.

Most of the herbs can be used orally. However, you can also get the benefit of the herbs by opting for herbal baths. There baths will not only help to uplift your mood in no time, but will also help to give you the best effect by entering your bloodstream through the pores, and entering your nervous system through inhalation.

Alternatively, you can also make herbal teas and get the best benefit out of these alternative medications.

Finally, remember that these herbs are good for curing sleeplessness but they are not able to cure the condition of sleep apnea. For this reason, you can use the sleep inducing qualities of the herbs with the CPAP treatment in a more effective way.

Homeopathic medications work well

This is a popular form of medication that has often been found to be extremely effective against a number of diseases. These medicines have no synthetic chemicals and as such, they are extremely safe. Sambucus is generally used for people who have difficulty breathing or have asthma. Sulfur is administered to patients who have sleep issues and chronic conditions. The proper treatment for a specific sleep apnea patient can be determined by the practitioner, based on each individual case.

Yoga can be effective

Yoga is a great way of keeping fit and healthy. Thus, it is not surprising that it is an effective alternative treatment for sleep apnea. There are a number of yoga postures (ashanas) that use special breathing technique that can cure your breathing problems.

Pranayama is a great yoga ashana that stresses on the importance of breathing in the right way. After sometime this conscious effort to breathe right will also seep into your sleeping pattern and you will be able to breathe right.

Don’t forget that sleep apnea can be fatal. Thus, do not rely on alternative cure for sleep apnea alone, to treat you. It is better to use a method where you can combine both CPAP treatment as well as the alternative treatment.

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